Real stories

Join us as we share the inspiring real-life stories of Soldier On participants and supporters.  

Exploring journeys of physical and mental recovery, reconnection with community, and career transformations, we showcase the triumphs of the veteran community.  

Keep up to date with upcoming events and program offerings with Soldier On by subscribing to our newsletter. 


RSL NSW Remembrance Day
From Participant to Partner
Meet Mark Leatham, whose journey with Soldier On has evolved from participant and volunteer to fundraiser, corporate partner, and now...
Michael Dagger_mentoring article
Flight path from service to success
Our Mentoring Program offers an 18-week dynamic and transformative journey, boasting successful outcomes for participants in each cohort....
March On: Walking for Waide
For the fourth year running, George Sutton is completing the March On challenge in memory of those lost.
Finding her groove
Soldier On participant Naomi knows the road to a successful civilian life can be rocky. She shares her story.
Peter Nicholls Zac Caddey
Soldier On & Boeing Australia Mentoring Program: Guiding Ambitions and Nurturing Success 
Our award-winning mentoring program is gearing up for another successful year in 2024.  In 2023, the Soldier On and Boeing Australia...
Stud Start: nurturing new beginnings
Earlier this year, Thoroughbred Breeders Australia (TBA) announced Stud Start, an intensive, 10-day classroom introduction to breeding,...
Civil Plant
Construction course leads to new career   
Soldier On recently conducted two Civil Plant Training with Education Partners Signature Learning and Development (SLAD) and Aspire...
Kristy Lewis_Pathways Program Story
Overcoming adversity with the Pathways Program
As a Defence spouse with four children, Kristy Lewis wants nothing more than to ensure her family are in the best possible position...
Amanda Hibberson_Volunteering
Thriving, not just surviving
A survivor is one who lives through affliction, to thrive means to come back even stronger. Soldier On volunteer and cancer survivor...
Thales_Pathways Participant news story
Pathways Participants find meaningful employment with Thales
With over 330 current veteran employees across Australia, Thales continues to showcase their ongoing dedication to provide rewarding...
Brian Heilbronn_Patrons and Ambassadors profile image
The mental health obstacle
For Brian Heilbronn, battling mental health was a similar sensation to wearing heavy body armour.
Lisa Cashman_FREO grou Pledge signing_news article
A rewarding life outside Defence
Lisa Cashman joined the Royal Australian Navy at 19 and found it to be an incredibly rewarding career choice. She was able to change...
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