In the remote mining town of Newman, Western Australia, a young George Sutton had two ex-Air Force members as neighbours. The stories of their time in the ADF were what inspired George to enlist, joining the Air Force after completing Year 12 in 1988.
With a RAAF career spanning more than 30 years, in which he achieved the rank of Warrant Officer, George is intimately familiar with the challenges of service life: the multiple deployments, the regular moves, changes in job requirements – not to mention the changes in technology over three decades.
As a Member Support Coordinator at RAAF Base Williamtown, he also saw first-hand the challenges veterans and their families could face when transitioning out of the ADF, and the importance of services provided by organisations like Soldier On.
Since medically separating from Defence in 2020, George has tried to remain as involved with as many veteran activities as possible, sharing his knowledge about entitlements and services available to veterans. He sees his role as a Soldier On Ambassador as a wonderful way to continue that important work.