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SercoVets employment workshop

14/12/2023 @ 11:00 am

SercoVets Employment Workshop in collaboration with Soldier On Australia provides veterans and families an opportunity to meet with Kirsty Jennings a senior manager for Serco Asia Pacific talent management office. The opportunity to be part of this employment workshop provides valuable insight into areas that will assist your employment pathway and enhance your position in 3 key categories such as setting yourself up for success, unleashing your processional potential, reflection on your interview, and insights for future success.
To register please click here: https://www.trybooking.com/CNSSQ

Serco has been a platinum pledge partner to Solider On since 2018 and will continue to help secure the future of veterans and their families in 2023 and beyond.
“We recognise the immense value veterans bring to our team, and in partnering with organisations such as Solider On we show our dedication to fostering an inclusive environment where veterans are set up for success,” Serco Defence Managing Director, and retired Rear Admiral, Clint Thomas, AM, CSC.


11:00 am - 1:00 pm


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